Line sensor ParCon - With a Parallel Light Beam
Released on = September 3, 2006, 11:51 pm
Press Release Author = Baumer
Industry = Industrial
Press Release Summary = even small, fast moving parts down to 0,5 mm can be reliably detected ideal sensor for accurate side measurement of a web edge or to measure the upper edge of a material stack object widths can be measured with a resolution of 0,1 mm using this unique sensor
Press Release Body = With the addition of the ParCon, Baumer electric has extended the family of line sensors. Depending on the specific requirements, a switching or analog version with lateral or frontal optics is available. The new sensor is characterized by its 24 mm-wide, homogeneous measuring field formed by parallel beams. This means that the position of the object within the measuring field has absolutely no influence on the measurement results. This allows web edges to be precisely positioned with the analog version, despite height deflection, permits object widths to be determined regardless of position, or the position of top edge of stacks to be measured. The result is output in the form of an easy-to-process analog signal value (4...20 mA) with a resolution of 0.1 mm. The switching version of the ParCon can be used as a reject controller for stamping presses, as a counter for small component filler systems or as an infeed controller for automatic handlers. Thanks to a scanning frequency of 4 kHz, even fast moving parts as small as 0.5 mm can be reliably detected. In addition, the minimum component size to be detected can be defined with the aid of a simple teach-in process. Since the transmitter and receiver, the special optics to create the parallel light beam and the analysis electronics are all contained in the compact sensor housing (34 x 16.5 x 67 mm), the only other part required is a reflector, which is available as either a mounted or a self adhesive reflective film. This concept significantly simplifies installation and opens up new possibilities.
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Contact Details = Sensorplex
Unit 2, No.6 Garden Road Clayton Vic 3168 AUSTRALIA Tel: +61-(03)9561-7099 Fax: +61-(03)9561-7077
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